Getting Started - Buffalo Bands
Paul JacksonShare
Congrats on your new Buffalo Bands and thanks so much for supporting Animalhouse!
Below are our favorite exercises to do with the Buffalo Bands. Please make sure to start light/easy before progressing.
Please contact us if you have any questions or issues using your new products, enjoy!
1. Squat Press
2. Snatch Press
Overhand grip on the Buffalo band. Bring your hands to your chest then press up towards the sky to finish this movement.
3. Rear Delt Flys
Start by pulling with your elbows and relaxing your wrists. At the bottom of the repetition it should feel like you are trying to touch your elbows behind your head. This will cause you to fully engage you rear deltoids.
4. Tricep Extensions (Single Arm)
Focus on keeping your elbow in one place throughout the entire range of motion. With a neutral hip position begin to pull your hand down towards your hip. Then slowly bring your hand back up towards the starting position.
5. Tricep Extensions (Both Arms)
Focus on keeping your elbow in one place throughout the entire range of motion. With a neutral hip position begin to pull your hands down towards your hip. Then slowly bring your hand back up towards the starting position.
6. Pushups
Place the Buffalo Band across your back as you begin to enter the push up position. The Buffalo Band should rest across your rear delts but not too high (this may cause the band to slip forwards). Begin performing pushups getting your chest around 3-4 inches from the ground.
7. MonkeyFeet Mountain Climbers
Make sure the Buffalo Band is securely fastened inside the MonkeyFeet claw. The Buffalo Band should be resting on the two outer MonkeyFeet claws like shown above.
Position yourself far enough out so the band is slightly in tension before your start your first push up. As you come to the top of your push up drive your knee up towards your head. Hold for a slight pause then allow your foot to come back to normal push up position.
8. MonkeyFeet Hamstring Curls
Make sure the Buffalo Band is securely fastened inside the MonkeyFeet claw. The Buffalo Band should be resting on the two outer MonkeyFeet claws like shown above.
Position yourself far enough out so the band is slightly in tension before your start your first rep. Lying flat on the ground, pull your heel up towards your head until your leg reaches a 90 degree position. Your MonkeyFeet leg should be in tension through out the entire rep if done correctly.
9. MonkeyFeet Kickback
Make sure the Buffalo Band is securely fastened inside the MonkeyFeet claw.
KEY TIP: Allow your foot to slide through the middle of the band. As shown above, the band should be on both sides of your foot when performing this exercise.
With a slight bend at the hip begin to kick your leg backwards. Make sure to keep your hip in a neutral position throughout the entire range of motion. You should not be feeling any awkward pressure in your back if done correctly. Then let your foot slowly come back towards the ground. The more you resist the tension on the downwards motion, the better.
10. Standing Reverse Leg Raises
Make sure the Buffalo Band is securely fastened inside the MonkeyFeet claw.
KEY TIP: Allow your foot to slide through the middle of the band. As shown above the band should be on both sides of your foot when performing this exercise.
Make sure to stand completely up-right for this exercise. Placing your hand on your hip can help with proper form. Slightly kick back your heel until you feel your glute engage. Then bring your foot back towards the ground. You should not feel pressure in your back if performing each rep properly.
11. MonkeyFeet Leg Extensions
Make sure the Buffalo Band is securely fastened inside the MonkeyFeet claw. The Buffalo Band should be resting on the two outer MonkeyFeet claws like shown above.
While lying on your back, use your two hands to support beneath your knee. Focus on not allowing your knee to move position throughout the entire range of motion. Drive your foot up towards your head until your leg is completely vertical. Then slowly let your foot back down towards starting position. Your opposite leg should be resting completely flat along the ground.
12. Lat Pull Down
For this exercise your are going to want to keep your arms completely locked out. While standing straight upwards, pull your hands down towards your hips.
13. Rows
14. Resistance Sprints
Secure the Buffalo Band around a pole or weight lifting rack. Then step inside the middle of the band and pull up into your waist line. Take a few steps forwards until the band is completely under tension. Sprint in place. Step backwards and release tensions to get back out of the band.
15. Resistance High Knee
Secure the Buffalo Band around a pole or weight lifting rack. Then step inside the middle of the band and pull up into your waist line. Take a few steps forwards until the band is completely under tension. Drive your knees upwards to the sky as fast as you can! Step backwards and release tensions to get back out of the band.
16. Backwards Walks
Secure the Buffalo Band around a pole or weight lifting rack. Then step inside the middle of the band and pull up into your waist line. Making sure there is nothing behind you to trip on, walk backwards 1-3 steps with a slightly squatted stance. Then slowly walk back towards the starting position.
17. Hip Flexors
Put the Buffalo Band inside the MonkeyFeet claw. Make sure the band is spread across the two front claws while securing your foot inside the MonkeyFeet.
Lying flat on your back, rest both of your legs straight out in front of you. With the MonkeyFeet leg begin to drive your knee up towards your head. Make sure to leave your back and opposite leg completely flat as you start this motion. Once you have pulled your knee as high as your flexibility lets you, slowly return your leg back to the ground. If done properly, the Buffalo Band should be in tension throughout the entire range of motion.