How To - Hamstring Curl (Using Bench)

Hamstring Curls

This is my new favorite exercise. The animal house crew showed me super accessible for a lot of people. If you've got the bench and the monkey foot, you're going to be blasting those hamstrings. So to start, you're going to put the foot kind of in line with the back of the bench or even farther. This is going to be the easiest variation.

So you're kind of in a plank position here. I'm pressing the blades through keep the upper body stable. It's not just about the lower body. I'm tucking my pelvis under squeezing my glutes. This is going to help you isolate the hamstring. As soon as I start arching my back, it gets so much easier and I'm just using my, the momentum and my lower back.

To get the weight up by tucking under the hamstring feels so much more. It's very intense. If this is easy for you, obviously increase the weight. If it's still easy for you, or if you want help keeping your pelvis tucked, bring the foot closer to your hands. And from this position, you'll find that you don't have any other option than isolate.

The hamstrings, because with this leg moved up, it's forcing your pelvis into posterior tilt, so you don't even have to think about it. I have to hold onto the bench a little bit differently here. Cause it's pulling my weight back quite a bit and it is whipping the hammy. Excellent exercise. Love it. You should too.