How To - Hip Flexor Drill
Hip Flexor Drill
Seated straddle leg lifts. You're going to be building strength in the hip flexor and the quadriceps with this, the rectus femoris specifically working to keep your leg nice and straight. These are here for some fun. It's just a nice little added challenge. You do not need these to be so high. Putting the monkey foot around your foot, obviously, you're going to put a light weight in here.
You may need to start without weight before adding load. This is two and a half pounds. I'm going to be lifting the leg, trying to keep my knee as straight as possible. It's going to really activate your rectus femoris here. You may need to foam roll it with the Animal House Foam Roller before doing this exercise to prevent cramping.
Lifting the leg over each obstacle. Obviously, if you want it to be harder, you lift this higher. As a result, you have to lift the leg even higher up to make this easier. If you're like, I cannot even get my leg off the ground, lean back, get a nice lean back, even onto your elbows. If you need to, you'll realize you get a lot more range of motion versus if I lean forward, that's my range of motion.
I got to knock this thing over. So that is a great way to modify this exercise. Obviously. Making sure you're starting with lightweight. I tried this with 10, couldn't even get my leg off the floor. And I tend to do this exercise all the time. So they asked me to do this with animal, the monkey foot. And I'm like, no way it works.
It's amazing. I encourage you to do this. The more you get strength in hip flexors, the better they're going to feel. Believe flexors are tight. No, they need strength as well.